Pumpkin Carving 2010

This past weekend marked my 2nd annual pumpkin carving party! I tried to create a table filled with lots of yummy & boo-tiful treats – I still need to work on the “scary-factor” of the food. Unfortunately, a lot of the cool looking Halloween treats are sweet and not as healthy! Since we were not going to have a sit-down meal I tried to go with some tasty treats that were at least a little healthy & kinda creepy looking.

We LOVE my spinach dip (even if I never make it the same way any two times) which I served in a pumpkin (which is currently washed out & sitting on the counter so I can cook something else with). Then chips & salsa may be one of my favorite treats, so that was a must. Also deviled eggs turned into eyeballs (have I mentioned that I am not an artist – yeah, use your imagination on the “eyes” here!)

Then for a nice warm dish I did a baked ricotta dip (read through the comments – I added pesto, salt pepper, garlic) which I couldn’t resist after seeing it a few weeks ago on Food Network! Lots of sliced up bread (in the sweet Dollar Store cauldron) for dipping, especially in the beer-cheese fondue (oops – didn’t take a picture of that) – but I took 3/4 beer on the stove to boiling, then added a bag [slowly and at a really low temp] (8oz) of cheese which I tossed with some flour. Once it was melty and yummy – we threw it in the mini crock pot…. short time later it was gone!!

Finished off the night with my cupcake brownies & some sliced apples for dipping in the caramel sauce.
A great evening of food and fun and friend and pumpkins and games! I look forward to continuing this tradition and enjoying the talent that my friends [who are armed with knives and pumpkins] have!