One Can at a Time
Kids are AMAZING!

Our staff (at DeFranco Elementary – Bangor Area School District) organized a canned food drive (“Pack the Pantry”) to help those in our community. We have an organization (Slater Family Network) that helps families in community with all sorts of things ranging from food to clothing to classes to making a stronger school-home community. Because of the tough times our area (and the country) seem to be having right now – the Slater Family Network has been suffering, as many organizations that help others have been. Our gym teacher always seems to have something up his sleeve and this fall was a driving force behind this food drive.

We knew once we gave the kids a challenge to help others they would come through (our 5th & 6th graders raised as much, if not more, than any other building last year when we collected money to support Haiti). The first challenge we set out for the kids was basically for bragging rights between 2 of our teachers (gym & math specialist – those two put themselves out on the line for our kids so much, thanks!). Then the challenge progressed into “if we can get x-many cans we will throw pies in the face” – which of course the kids rose to the occasion (3 pies were thrown at each of them). And all along the staff knew this final challenge – but if in the last 2 weeks if they could bring in (200??) cans the guys would dress up in formal dresses.
Daily we would get updates on how many canned foods

were brought in (and the Slater Family Network was also coming to take cans as the kids were bringing them in to fill their needs). There were some days that more than 200 cans were brought in by the 500 students in our building. We are not even sure of the final count – but our stage/risers was PACKED with food for the drive. Never underestimate the power of kids (with help from their parents) – when these kids want to make a difference…. they do!