Pickled [Deviled] Eggs
![Pickled [Deviled] Eggs](https://i0.wp.com/www.teacher-chef.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/4-22-pickled-beet-eggs1.jpg?fit=3008%2C2000&ssl=1)
A few years ago I made Pickled Beets and my parents told me that they hated pickled beets, but since through the years I was forced to try lots of things that I said I didn’t like – I told them they had to try it. Guess What… they liked it! I figured since at Passover (or Easter!!) we always have hard-boiled eggs and my whole family now likes pickled beets, why not combine the two!?

I grew up working at Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm (and am still very involved as a Board Member, group leader, newletter editor, etc) where I was first introduced to pickled eggs (and pickled beets for that matter) and have not had them for a while. The method (especially when making these from canned beets, which actually made my dad ask if I had used fresh!) is really easy. Just be warned that when eggs get pickled their texture does change a bit, but they taste awesome and are a beautiful addition to any table!
Pickled (and Deviled) Eggs
feel free to just Pickle these eggs OR pickle and then create your family’s favorite deviled filling, this version is from Eye Candy.
- 6 eggs
- about 3 cups beets [fresh: blanched/peeled/sliced OR 2 cans sliced) with their juice
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar (or mix of cider and white)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- To Devil: 4 Tbs. mayonnaise, 4 tsp. mustard, your favorite mix-ins
Make hard-boiled eggs and peel them. (My method is: cold water and eggs on the stove until a rolling boil. Then turn off the heat & let sit in the hot water with the lid on for 12 minutes. Rinse in cold water and let sit in cold water until you are ready to use them or refrigerate)
Combine beets, vinegar and sugar. For best results: bring to a boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool down for a bit, but leave warm (I often skip the boiling – especially. if using canned beets like I did this time) Fill a container that’s large enough with the eggs AND the liquid. Seal and store in the refrigerator.
After about 2 days, the eggs will be ready. Take them out and rinse them shortly with cold water. Enjoy here or devil them 🙂
To pickle: Slice the eggs lengthwise and carefully remove the egg yolks. Mash the egg yolks with a fork and mix them with mayonnaise and mustard. Fill the egg yolks into the egg halves with a piping bag. Done!