Classic Fondue Fun
I’m not sure about anyone else, but fondue has been something that has not worked out so well for me. I LOVE cheese, and anything that involves cheese (and when its melty & warm too – yeah, its good stuff!) A few weeks ago I finally made a successful beer & cheese fondue (attempt #3 of making fondue and the 1st time that it actually ever worked – see link at the bottom of this post). That was basically just beer & cheddar.
Fast forward a week (Halloween Night, 2 trick-or-treaters) and, I know, I’m a few days [weeks] late on posting this, but I figure I’ve been cooking and just keeping track of what needs to get posted, a good problem in my book. Anyway, I wanted to try to make the “typical” wine fondue this time!

I found this recipe (and trust me, they are all basically the same – I just like this description and the fact that she helped me through the whole process too), made the shopping list, chopped the veggies, had the boy & best friend there and crossed my fingers!

IT WORKED… the key to making fondue is a super slow addition of the cheese, good stirring technique, and the addition of the corn starch (dissolved) as needed [no cornstarch was needed with the beer fondue fyi]. It was YUMMY – below is the recipe (with the stuff that I did). Let me know how it works for you

1 clove garlic [crushed]
little over 1 cup white wine (dry?)
8 oz. gruyere, grated
8 oz. emmentaler (I used grated Swiss)
1 tbs. cornstarch dissolved in a couple tbs. brandy [apple cider]
1. Rub the garlic all over the inside of your pot (then mince -we love garlic)
2. Add a little over a cup of wine to the pot and bring to a simmer slowly (medium.). Handful by handful, stirring constantly in a figure-8 motion, gradually add in the cheeses.
3. Add some of the cornstarch/kirsch mixture. Keep stirring until it all comes together in creamy deliciousness. Season with pepper. Consistency not right? Add a little more wine to thin, add a little more cheese to thicken.
Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party Fondue… I used this recipe (without the swiss, because I forgot it – so it was just beer & cheddar)