New Hosting & Bumps in the Road
Wow – I am sorry about the huge lull between posts this past week. I decided (a while ago) to switch out of my previous blog format (hosted on because I was not able to add any of my own advertisements and I felt that although I am not “huge” I was outgrowing my site. I knew the process wouldn’t be “a piece of cake” but I didn’t quite realize how hard it was going to be!!

(or peaches & plums from our CSA)
I am back up and running – still working on making sure all my wonderful readers (and old subscribers) are getting all of my content. The next step will be to get people supporting my habits in the kitchen (not that your love and support isn’t enough but I would love some ads and goodies and all of that stuff, look for a self-hosted giveaway soon though).
Its been a frustrating week and lots of things going on – I’ll catch up with everything in the next few days – you guys rock!