Pickled Jalapenos

If you are a regular reader here, you may remember that last year my fabulous fiance (who at that point was just a great boyfriend) planted two habanero plants. “Ok”, I thought to myself “how bad can that be”. WELL – two habanero plants led to about 3 million (maybe I exaggerate) habaneros being thrown out. These things were way too hot for most normal use. I mean, I was able to make some soup, and muffins, infused vodka, some delicious pepper flakes, and even a hot sauce that caused us to vacate the house – but we came to the conclusion that Habanero should not be planted at our house.
Fast forward to this year where we planted Jalapenos (not even sure how many plants we have – but it is a lot). Jalapeno Poppers are making regular appearances around here in different variations. Salsa is a common occurrence as well (best when eaten with a spoon – no extra calories then)! But when we were going to be away for a few days and had way too many of these beauties around, I figured why not pickle them!
I use pickled jalapenos to top nachos, to snack on, to put into chili – duh: don’t buy them I have a whole garden! I have not jumped into the pool of canning yet though – so I just made these as refrigerator pickled jalapenos – if you are good at canning: by all means feel free to can them the correct way. But if you have room in your fridge for a jar (or two) then just make them the “easy” way.
Easy Pickled Jalapenos
Pickled Jalapenos |
- 2 cups white vinegar
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 teaspoons pickling salt
- 1 teaspoons sugar
- 1 pound jalapeños peppers (washed and stemmed, and cut into 1/4″ rounds)
- 4 cloves of garlic
- Combine vinegar, water, salt and sugar in a stainless steel or enamel non-reactive 2-quart saucepan, bring to a boil then turn to low and cook until sugar and salt dissolve. Cover and keep hot.
- In clean (sterilized) jars throw in your garlic cloves and then pack jars with jalapeños, packing tightly but careful not to crush. Pour hot brine over the top of jalapeños.
- Tap jars on counter top to remove any bubbles. Wipe rims, apply canning lids and tighten bands on jars (remember you poured a hot liquid – jars will get hot).
- Allow jars to sit on the counter to come to room temperature and then place in the fridge – will last as long as a normal bottle of pickled jalapenos will once they are opened in the refrigerator!
- Allow them to set for at least 24 – 48 hours to get pickled before enjoying them.
adapted from the Canning Method at Foodie Crush
And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… What ingredients scare you?