Mexican “Grilled” Corn

We are still getting corn from our awesome local farm’s CSA. All year we seem to have been getting between one and dozen ears of corn a week. Much of this corn I have been sharing with my neighbors and my parents. Much of the rest of the corn I have been putting into every dish we cook (which I have not really shared with you all, I am sorry about that). I really enjoy the flavor of Grilled Corn (especially that fancy Grilled Mexican Corn you get at fairs/festivals where they charge like $4 an ear). Although we have not really made much Grilled Corn around here (and never Mexican Corn), when I came across this version for Mexican Grilled Corn in a Skillet, I knew it would be the perfect side dish to all of our Jalapeno Inspired dishes from our own garden!
The first time I made this was for a side dish to garden fresh fajitas and I used some leftover hard goat cheese in it. The second time I made this, for my parents, was to go along with some enchiladas and I used some Laughing Cow Cheese & Cheddar. So you can basically use whatever Cheese you want (although something with a bit of a “bite” like the Goat Cheese, Feta, or Mexican Cheeses would be best).
Mexican Pan Roasted Corn
- 4 – 6 ears corn on the cob
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1 clove garlic, finely minced
- 1 jalapeno, finely chopped (to taste)
- 1-2 Tablespoons mayo
- 1-2 Tablespoons sour cream
- 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
- juice of 1/2 lime (1 Tablespoon?)
- 1/4 cup cotija cheese (or feta or hard goat or whatever)
- salt and pepper
- Cook your corn, slice the corn off of the cob (* see trick below) and set aside.
- Heat a large skillet over medium high heat and add the butter. Once the butter is melted, add the corn to the skillet and stir once. Let corn sit undisturbed for about 5 minutes, or until corn starts browning on bottom. While the corn is cooking, thrown in your garlic and jalapenos right on top. Then stir again, mixing everything together and let corn sit until it begins popping a bit and is charred.
- Place corn in a medium bowl and add 1 tablespoon of mayo, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, and the remaining ingredients. Toss to coat. TASTE and if you want it – add another tablespoon of mayo and/or sour cream.. Top with some more cilantro & eat up.
From Buns in My Oven
Oh Yeah – A TRICK… My parents were standing in my kitchen watching me cook this dish and Mom noticed my really cool trick for cutting Corn off of the Cob. I am not sure where I picked it up, but you basically put a large bowl on the counter, then flip a smaller (soup?) bowl upside down inside of larger bowl. Then placed your cooked ear of corn (fat side down) on top of your inverted bowl & run your knife down the ear to take off the kernels. You just need to get the feel for the right spot – you don’t want to cut much of the cob but you also don’t want to loose your kernels. With practice you will be able to just feel the right spot. Once you cut your kernels off, you can “milk” your corn by running the back of your knife down the sides of the cob to kind of get those juices out. All your kernels will then just be in your large bowl and not all over the counter and floor like when you just use a cutting board! … You are Welcome!
One Year Ago – Mushroom & Brie Bisque
Two Years Ago – Enchiladas & Jalapeno Poppers (sometimes the best recipes just keep getting repeated, this is an older version of one of our favorite “menus” around here – even if it hardly ever gets made the same way twice!)
And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… What garden vegetable(s) did you get taken over by this year?