2012 – a year in review
I have a year in review for you here today….
We are going to re-visit some of the most popular recipes of the year. Then take a walk through the year to see what this year has provided and brought my way. And finally we will set some goals (and look back at the past year’s goals).
The New Year is always a good time to “Begin with the End in Mind” and set goals. But goals are nothing without looking back on them and seeing your progress! I hope that instead of making empty resolutions this New Years, you instead set meaningful goals (and only one or two – any more than that and it just becomes too hard to focus on any of them!
Top 5 Recipes on Teacher by Day – Chef by Night for 2012
# 5
# 4

# 3

# 2

and for the 2nd year in a row, #1 is….

And – a Summary of My Life…
January: Flew to Florida to visit my grandmother for her 85th Birthday
February: I made Rich an Amazing Cookie Dough Cake for Valentines Day which led to exciting changes, We made adorable truffles together, Bangor High School Theatre put on a great production of Hello Dolly (and I made mashed potatoes & beets [which were gummy candies] for the kids every night to eat on stage)
March: WE GOT ENGAGED, I entered my last year in my 20s, we embarrassed our principal (Braden Hendersot @ DeFranco Elementary = best principal ever)
April: I hit 100,000 lifetime blog hits (took a year and a half to reach that point & now I am averaging that every 6 months, wow), we surprise my other Grandmother for her birthday too,
May: finished up coaching my first ever running program (Girls on the Run) – unfortunately this program did not instill a lifetime love of running in me, life is just busy busy busy & ready for Summer Break!
June: end of the school year, my parents went on Vacation & we had 3 dogs for about two weeks (wow), my *future* sister-in-law gave birth to my huge & awesome nephew, we found out Boca (our dog) had some ripped ligaments in her knee, Rich starts a new job (internship)
July: Mary Poppins on Broadway, Boca had Doggy ACL Surgery, Wedding Planning, switching Web Hosting and everything about my website, lake visits, Dining Room (July was a Roller Coaster Crazy month)
August: Summer Produce in full swing, Hunger Games came out on DVD & I did my first giveaway, lake times & baby visits, Surprise Engagement Party
September: Boca got the thumbs up on her knee surgery, school is back in full swing, Hershey Park Day with awesome people
October: a Hurricane hits NY/NJ/PA… no school for a week and tons of devastation = craziness (including my M.O.H. losing her house to a tree)
November: November 4, 2012 – My biggest day yet with more than 6,000 visitors in one day, my school is featured on PBS for our leadership stuff, Pumpkin Chunkin for my 3rd Year, Rich goes from being an Intern to getting a Full-Time Job @ Continental, Friends-Giving (our first Turkey), I took photos 6 times for my “baby sister” and filled up more room on my hard drive of her than of any other thing (including food) – happy Senior Year Jessica!
December: we Rich bought a truck, saw Shrek the Musical for the 3rd time, participated in my first Blogger Cookie Exchange, skiing, & looking forward to 2013…
… looking back to last year: I accomplished each and every one of the goals related to the blog (yay). But I struggled with my personal (fitness) goals. Overall I would say that I had a pretty good 2012, how about you?