Keeping Fresh Strawberries Fresh

When Strawberries are Ripe and Fresh and Delicious (and affordable) I just cannot resist them!
This week I went Strawberry Picking and picked almost 7 pounds of berries. When you make lots of yummy things (like Strawberry Yogurt Pops/Pudding Pops, Cakes, Salsa, & Jam) AND eat them right out of the bowl, they don’t last too long since you gobble them up so quickly. But you need to make sure that they stay fresh so they are as good on Day 5 as they were on Day 1 (if they last that long)! Fresh-Picked Local berries have a much shorter refrigerator life then store-bought berries which were probably picked before their peak-ripeness and ripened during shipping.
By rinsing your berries in this super-easy rinse, you will lengthen the life of all your berries. One easy step to not only clean your fruit but also to keep it fresh – AWESOME!

This method (which I have shown you in step-by-step photos) I found on Pinterest, via The Frugal Girls. You want to have your Strawberries soak in a sink/bucket full of 1 Part White Vinegar & 10 Parts Water. Then just drain them in a colander or a cooling rack until completely dry. Finally store in the refrigerator in a bowl lined with a paper towel (and towels between your layers too)
And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… What is your favorite [natural] food storage strategy?