Strawberry Banana “Ice Cream”

Have you made Mock Ice Cream from Bananas yet? If you haven’t, then YOU ARE MISSING OUT! I am telling you – this is magical! Frozen bananas whip up in the food processor to make a dairy-free, delicious, & healthy “Ice Cream” treat! Happy Healthy Faux-Cream…
By taking any banana when it is nice and ripe and throwing it in a food processor for a few minutes you can make an absolutely delicious fake ice-cream. If you are not a fan of bananas, you can still enjoy this treat because something about this freezing and whipping process makes the banana flavor almost disappear! You can even make your favorite flavors by just tossing it in toward the end of the whipping process (chocolate powder, nutella, or peanut butter are some of my favorite additions).
After Strawberry Picking last week, I decided to whip up (literally) some Strawberry-Banana Frozen Whip. I always have banana chunks in the freezer (perfect for making this type of frozen treat, or baking, or a nice cool sweet healthy treat whenever you want) so all I needed to do was freeze some strawberries (I didn’t cut mine in half, I would suggest that to you). You are just freeze-time away from making this delicious frozen delight yourself! Some perfect toppings for this Strawberry-Banana Mock Cream would be a drizzle of good honey, mini-chocolate chips, or chocolate syrup!
- 2 bananas, cut into slices & frozen
- 1 cup strawberries, cut in half & frozen
- If not already frozen, freeze your fruit
- Throw all your fruit into the bowl of your food processor
- Process your fruits for about 30 seconds and then scrape down the sides
- Continue the process until all of your fruit is smooth and the whole thing looks like perfect soft serve
- Re-freeze any leftovers & let soften slightly before enjoying the leftovers
One Year Ago – Summer-Fresh & Delicious Peach Salsa OR keep the Strawberry Theme going with a delicious Strawberry Salsa
And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… What is your favorite way to swap out unhealthy favorites for more healthy options?