Teacher – Chef – MOM

IT’S A GIRL! I have been quite quiet the past few months – we’ve had a lot going on! You may recall that I was baking a little Bun-in-the-Oven. Well, our little bun is fully baked and entered our family at the end of April.
Little Chef is perfect!
Recently MUCH of my “cooking” involves nursing… no recipes for that will be posted here! We’ve also started to make TONS of homemade baby foods – all organic yummy purees! I’ll work on compiling some of our favorites to share. 🙂 Please do not stress about the fact that Mister Chef and myself are not eating though! Yes, we are still eating, just not super fancy meals often and the camera seems to be pointed at Baby Chef more than our own plates.
As we’re finally settling into our new roles as full time parents with full time jobs – I really hope to not go months between posts anymore and finally settle into a routine in our new lives.
And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… How did you/do you cope with the “new normal” of continuing your old life-style when adding a baby to your family?