DIY Spice Rack

Organization is KEY! Without organization in your life; there will be chaos! The more organized and prepared you are while cooking, the easier it is going to be! The easier it is, the more enjoyable it is, and the more enjoyable it is, the tastier it is!
Spices are something that we need – we need them accessible, we need lots of the them, and they need to be organized. Many people store spices on their counter (takes up too much space for me) OR in a drawer (I don’t want to give up a drawer & its not always in the most convenient place) OR they are shoved in a cabinet (out of site & disorganized, in my opinion). I have found the perfect alternative… YOUR WALLS!

In my old house, we mounted an amazing sheet metal board to the wall right next to my stove and using simple tins with all the spices labeled & rare earth magnets – BAM we had spice storage! In our new house, my refrigerator is right next to the stove, so we just slapped those magnets to the side of the fridge and away we went!
Lots of Spice Racks you will see out there have clear tops to their lids. While that looks amazing, it is not good for your spices! Since your spices will be out in the open and not behind a cabinet or drawer, you want to keep them out of the sunlight to allow them to stay as fresh as long as it takes you to finish them. NOTE – the shelf life of ground spices to be at their peak is about two years, so please try to only buy the amount that you will use in that amount of time! All ground spices should always be kept in airtight, dry, dark containers. You want them to be at their freshest to have your own food be at its most tasty and delicious. Sub-Par ingredients will give you sub-par end results to your food!
Oh, and while we are talking about organization… yes – my spices are stored in alphabetical order – it makes it way easier for me to find them that way, I always know exactly where everything is, instead of someone putting a spice back in the wrong spot! It makes it easy for me to cook, and easy for me to (possibly) share the kitchen, plus its just one more way I can teach Baby-Chef her alphabet once she starts helping in the kitchen!!
Its that simple!
some Kitchen Inspiration and Love from my house to yours
Materials Needed…
Five Years Ago… Cucumber Boats
And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… What is YOUR view on Organization?