Buffalo Cauliflower Wings

Buffalo Cauliflower Wings

Baked Cauliflower Buffalo Wings …I think that’s what we should be calling these things!?? I don’t even know what to call them officially – but what I do know is they have a delicious crunchy exterior, a warm soft interior, and are loaded with the buffalo flavor we love! Go ahead and serve these vegetarian goodies anytime and eat as many as you want guilt-free.


I was skeptical at first when making these, but just one taste and I couldn’t stop! Even if you aren’t a fan of buffalo sauce, make these and just toss your favorite spice mix or sauce flavor on them – still all the crunchy yummy veggie goodness without the guilt of deep fried chicken wings!

Add in your favorite dipping sauce and you’ve got yourself a winner! These were a huge success and everyone who has had them are ready to come back for more!!


Buffalo Cauliflower Hot Wings Style
Cuisine: side or appetizer
Author: Rachel (teacher-chef) – adapted from Gimme Delicious
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp of paprika
  • 1/4 tsp salt & 1/4 tsp ground pepper
  • 1 cup Frank’s red hot sauce
  • 1 tbsp butter
  1. Line baking sheet(s) with a slipmat OR parchment paper or grease your foil-lined-pan very well with oil. Preheat your oven to 425
  2. Wash and cut cauliflower head into bite-sized pieces/florets
  3. Mix the milk/water/flour and spices (NOT hot sauce & butter) in a medium mixing bowl Mix until the batter is thick and is able to coat the cauliflower without dripping (adjust as needed).
  4. Toss the cauliflower in the batter (one piece at a time OR in batches) then allow the excess to shake/drip off. Place on the baking sheet. Lay the cauliflower single layer on the baking sheet.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown, flipping the florets over halfway through to get all sides golden brown and crispy.
  6. Get your sauce ready -in a small saucepan melt the butter and mix in hot sauce then remove as soon as it starts to bubble/melt. Set aside.
  7. Once the cauliflower is done its first bake (about 20 minutes) in the batter, remove them from the oven and put all the baked florets into a mixing bowl with the wing sauce and toss to coat evenly. Return cauliflower to the baking sheet and bake in the oven for another at least10-15 minutes or until reached desired crispness.
  8. Serve with ranch, blue cheese, or your favorite dipping sauce. Enjoy!
 adapted from Gimmie Delicious

Five Years Ago… Crustless Asparagus Quiche


Six Years Ago …Black Bean Casserole


And I leave you with this, today’s Question of the Day …What’s your go-to dipping sauce, for wings or any dipping!?