Caramelized Beets

I know that beets continue to be a contriversal subject, you are probably in the LOVE IT or in the LEAVE IT school of thought. If you are of the LEAVE IT mindset, not matter how much I try to convince you otherwise, you aren’t going to want to try these delicious red gems of flavor.
Here in our house we have what is called a “try-it” bite. We must try all the food, at least a bite, even if we think we don’t like it. Did you know that it can take up to a dozen “trys” of a new food before we actually grow to like it!? For us parents, that can be a bit of a challenge as we continue to make our kids try foods, but around here it isn’t too much of a struggle since Sister Chef knows if she doesn’t like it, she doesn’t need to eat it all (NO, we do not make her special meals – but we do always make sure that we know at least a large portion of dinner she will like, and if all else fails as she has really tried, I always can cut up some fruit or veggies for her, but since we always encourage try-it bites, her love of variety of flavors is more diverse than many adults that I know!) So back to TRY-IT bites …Mr. Chef is of the “leave it” school of thought when it comes to beets. Every time I make them, he tries them (and then still chooses something else usually) – but I am not giving up. I gobbled these up (hot, warm & room temperature) along with my parents, and Sister Chef even asked for a few more when I put them on her plate!
SO… in the words of Dr. Suess – I say “You do not like them. So you say. Try them, try them, and you may! Try them, and you may I say.”
- 1 bunch of beets
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1/2 Tbs Olive Oil
- 1/2 Tbs Butter
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- Wash your beets & cut off the tops and very ends of roots, place in a pot of water and bring to a boil for about 20 minutes. Ice them down & rub your skins right off
- Slice beets into wedges (quarter of eighth them, depending on size)
- Heat butter & olive oil together in a small pan over medium heat & toss in beets to coat. Allow to cook for a few and then throw in your garlic. Mix everything again to coat and lightly season.
- Continue to sautee everything, for about 10 minutes, mixing every few minutes to get all sides caramelized and keep an eye on the progress.
- When done to your liking, plate up and top with just a pinch of coarse salt.
5 Years Ago – HOW TO KEEP YOUR STRAWBERRIES FRESH! Keeping Strawberries fresh when you pick them is always tricky – you want them delicious and to last – so this quick soak does the trick (seriously, if I ever don’t do this – I end up wondering why my berries turn bad so quickly – this trick allows them to stay fresher, longer!)
And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… Where do you stand on new flavors?