Sourdough Starter without waste

Scott Weiner of Scott’s Pizza Tours is my Pizza Hero. We took a Pizza Tour with him years ago (and again – because they are SO GOOD) – you should book a tour with Scott one day!!
Sourdough is my ALL TIME FAVORITE Bread! I have always wanted to work on Sourdough and have dabbled in bread on and off. With the extra time we all have at home, now it a time to work again on bread BUT not end up with a ton of waste. One of the things that bother me about Sourdough Starters are how much waste there is from the starter. Scott luckily decided to start his sourdough with a very low amount of flour to build it and agreed to allow me to share his method with you.
My “write-up” here is ALL PHOTOS for you, please check out Scott’s INSTAGRAM STORY for his full details (I literally took screen shots of his Instagram Story). You should also follow Scott on Instagram & be sure to see his story to get better details. Eventually, Scott also plans to get his full sourdough starter up onto YouTube for easier & full detailed reference on his starter.

CHECK BACK for updates on the easiest ways I have found to make Sourdough Bread, in the meantime, here are AMAZING Sourdough Bread Recipes I have been using and following …
- MAINTAINING your sourdough – with a SMALL BATCH!!
- MILD Sourdough that just takes 1 day
- King Arthur Flour Tangy Sourdough Loaf
- AMAZING Sourdough; a bit more labor intensive but great video going through the process, improvise as you need