Mint Tea

Mint Tea

Mint Tea …just saying that conjures up images of relaxing with a refreshing cup of hot tea or sipping a cup of iced mint tea at the end of a warm summer day. Part of me wonders if I should even be calling this a “recipe” – but when we got huge sprigs of fresh mint from our Co-Op and Sister Chef was eating it by the spring and then asked to make Mint Tea; how could I say no? Since Mint Tea is just so pretty (AND good for you), we couldn’t resist sharing it with you!

The Benefits of Mint Tea are countless, to name a few….

  • all NATURAL & caffeine-free
  • soothe an upset stomach and relieve heartburn
  • boost mental performance and promote focus
  • loosen congestion and relieve coughing
  • relieve bad breath

…with all of those benefits all wrapped up in a cup of refreshing deliciousness, I urge you to follow in Sister Chef’s footsteps and brew up a cup of decaf-natural-fresh goodness today!

While we enjoyed it hot the first day we made it – it is super simple to just make up a huge batch of this, and once it is fully steeped to put it in the fridge to enjoy iced whenever the mood strikes. 

*note: this article/recipe was first created a few years ago and we have since been sure to get Mint at EVERY CSA pick-up since Sister (and now Brother) Chef enjoy it SO much! 

Mint Tea

  • 2 sprigs fresh mint
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • honey (optional)
  1. Wash Mint & place into a cup (pick the leaves off the stem OR leave them attached, no fuss here)
  2. Bring water to a boil
  3. Pour boiling water over the mint leaves
  4. Let steep for about 5 minutes
  5. Remove the Mint Leaves (or don’t) and add honey to taste if usuing
  6. ENJOY …OR put into the refrigerator to enjoy over ice at another time

Frozen Mint – Go ahead and freeze this; a tried and true method was to put a couple dozen springs in a quart zip-top bag, fill it with water and create a “Mint Pillow”. When read to use, just cut open your bag and dump into a large pot to defrost (you can make this hot by heating OR just have Mint-Tea-Water, adding more water to adjust strength as needed)

You can make this as Sun Mint Tea simply by putting your mint in the water to infuse as well (this works better if you are planning to have it chilled instead of hot tea). 

And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… Do you prefer your Tea to be HOT or ICED?