Crustless Asparagus & Cheese Quiche

Crustless Asparagus & Cheese Quiche

Weekends (or any day) that start with Quiche are sure to be a good one… Now that Spring is in Full Swing your go-to Quiche can enjoy a whole new flavor profile! Spring has Sprung This Quiche has a strong delicious Asparagus Flavor throughout which 



…totally amazing and worth the time & effort! There are many kinds of bagels. The quality of bagels ranges from Awesome NYC Bagels down to pre-packaged frozen bread circles being passed off as bagels. These bagels which I am sharing with you today rank up 

Bacon & Egg in Toast Cups

Bacon & Egg in Toast Cups

A few weeks ago, I made “the best breakfast casserole ever” so decided that I should do my best to see if I could top the amazingness of that breakfast in a totally different fashion! These individual breakfast cups just may change the way that 

Apple & Zucchini Frittata

Apple & Zucchini Frittata

Another Weekend – Another Delicious Breakfast!If you don’t ever take the time on weekends to make a delicious breakfast, I am sorry (and sorry for your family)! Now I am not saying that every day on every weekend we whip up some delicious breakfast, but 

Cheddar Apple Sausage Bisquick Breakfast Bake

Cheddar Apple Sausage Bisquick Breakfast Bake

There is just something about a delicious & hearty breakfast on a Crisp Fall Morning that just makes you ready for the day. Pair that up with a delicious cup of (Pumpkin Spice) Coffee and maybe even some Apple Butter on top for good measure 

Peeta’s Raisin Bread

Peeta’s Raisin Bread

I stared at the loaves in disbelief. They were fine, perfect really, except for the burned areas. Did he mean for me to have them? He must have. Because there they were at my feet. Before anyone could witness what had happened I shoved the