Chocolate Acorns

Chocolate Acorns

Sometimes the simplest of ingredients made the most fun and memorable treats. This fall you are going to have people over and/or going to need to bring something to a friend/family members houses (hello: Pumpkin Carving, Trick-or-Treat, Thanksgiving)! Why not throw together a big bowl 

Pumpkin Almond Cake

Pumpkin Almond Cake

Oh No – it is 4pm, you have guests coming at 6 and you have no dessert ready yet! You need something beautiful, delicious, and easy – never fear I have this cake here! *NOTE… even if you have plenty of time to put together 

Pumpkin Gingersnaps

Pumpkin Gingersnaps

Gingersnaps just SCREAM Holiday to me! Now don’t get me wrong, I love good Gingersnaps all year round (and wish that I had better luck creating my own snappy-gingersnap). But there is just something amazing about a molassesy, gingery cookie in the winter which makes 

Chocolate Caramel Apple Cookies

Chocolate Caramel Apple Cookies

Happy November & Day-After Halloween! Halloween is over, but your candy stash is not! Right after Halloween you can get great deals on candy for all of your baking needs. These cookies would also be perfect for using up some of your extra trick-or-treating candy 

[Skeleton] Mudslide Jigglers

[Skeleton] Mudslide Jigglers

The color was just right, the flavor was awesome, and they are so easily adaptable to whatever you want to make with them! I can see these guys being so cute for Winter in a Snowman (or snowflake) pan!!!

A.C. Moore Halloween Cupcake Decorating

A.C. Moore Halloween Cupcake Decorating

I won 3rd place!! I have always said that I am a chef and not a baker AND decorating has been my weakest area. BUT over the past year or so of this blog I’ve obviously gotten better at my decorating and have been inspired