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Breakfast Pina Colada

Breakfast Pina Colada

Spring is in the air. Summer is right around the corner. You struggle to eat breakfast every day. You long to spend long days dancing in the summer breezes. If you can relate to any of those statements, and maybe even like getting caught in the rain 

Chocolate Covered Matzo Crack

Chocolate Covered Matzo Crack

Have you heard of Matzo Crack? The meaning behind the name is basically that it is so good, that you will get addicted to it, like crack!* If you are looking for a more PG version of the reasoning… well matzo does “crack” when you 

Easy Macaroons

Easy Macaroons

Its Macaroon Week! After Researching and Testing a few recipes this week (like Meringue Macaroons and Whipped Coconut Macaroons), I am sharing the easiest of all of the recipes with you today. The cooking on these were a little bit confusing – I actually had to reform and then cook a few of them again, but once you get them cooked right – they could not be easier!

easy macaroons-0194


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Macaroon Meringue Cookies

Macaroon Meringue Cookies

Meringue Cookies are like the neglected cookie of the cookie family. Some people love them, but most people forget about them in favor of other, more traditional cookies. Meringues are their own unique individual and we often overlook them. They may not be soft, but 

Coconut Macaroon

Coconut Macaroon

Coconut Macaroons – I think they may be one of those foods that you either love or hate, probably mostly due to the Coconut! Growing up in a house where my mother hated Coconut, I am not quite sure where I developed my love for these 

Coconut Macaroons – 3 Ways

Coconut Macaroons – 3 Ways

COCONUT – if you are not a fan, you may want to stop reading right now, and stay away for the next few days!

In an effort to try to duplicatemacaroon taste-test

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