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Roasted Broccoli and Chick Peas

Roasted Broccoli and Chick Peas

Eating Clean in 2014 seems to be all the rage! I am currently mid-week of a Clean Eating Challenge, and what I am realizing is that (besides my baking) we pretty much do already “Eat Clean” around here! True Clean eating would involve absolutely no 

6 Month Anniversary

6 Month Anniversary

It has been quite a half year… 6 months ago we got married! Since getting married we traveled to Jamaica & Costa Rica and have settled into the beginning of our “Happily Ever After”! Wedding Dresses so often just get worn once, which just seems 

GREEN Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

GREEN Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

If I wanted to go on a liquid diet – smoothies would be the way to go! You can get all the nutrients you need in a smoothie, there is little waste, they can be made in a HUGE variety of flavors, and you can change it up in so many ways.

green breakfast smoothie fruit tray

This Green Smoothie was one of the ones I whipped up this week – feel free to play around with what you put in there, one of my favorite decadent/healthy green shakes has some Peanut Butter in it! This one here is totally raw and vegetarian and even vegan if you use a non-dairy milk!

How pretty does this Smoothie look on this tray here!? Continue reading GREEN Breakfast Fruit Smoothie

Mushroom & Greens Warm Salad

Mushroom & Greens Warm Salad

Every year, when we turn the Calendar to January it seems that everyone makes a pretty serious effort to make healthier choices! Unfortunately, but the time we make it to February many of us fall back into our old habits. I am going to state 

Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips

Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips

Have you ever sat down and eaten a whole bag of chips? Well, lets just say that you put these homemade Apple Chips in a bag and polish off the whole thing. I have good news – this will be the first time you won’t 

2013 “The Happiness Year”

2013 “The Happiness Year”

2013 was a Big Year!

In Disney Tokyo, they were calling it “The Happiness Year” because they were celebrating their 30th year of being open… I know someone else who was celebrating their 30th year of being on the Earth. 😉

2013 wedding at Quiet Valley in front of FarmhouseBIG Things Happened here in 2013 too, so here is my “Year in Review” Post where I am going to go through the highlights of my past year… personally, professionally, & food-filled. Lets start with the reason you are probably here visiting my site though: the food!

Some of my most popular recipes of 2012 remained my most popular in 2013. Continue reading 2013 “The Happiness Year”