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Gluten Free Peanut Butter Muffin

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Muffin

With all of the ridiculously unhealthy things that we shove in our body, it is nice to have something more healthy every now and then. Now, I love that junk as much, if not more than, everyone else – but I know  that my body 

Party Perfect

Party Perfect

What IS the perfect party? Well, I for one, am not quite sure. What I DO know about the Perfect Party is that it includes food! I think when entertaining a [large] group of friends, often a Cocktail Party or Hors D’Oeuvres Party is the 

Dark Chocolate Cherry Cranberry Pistachio Drops

Dark Chocolate Cherry Cranberry Pistachio Drops

Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate AND Cookies, Chocolate but no Cookies… that is how we have arrived at today’s No-Bake Chocolate Treat! All you need in some melted chocolate (hello microwave), some chopped pistachios and some dried cherries or cranberries. Wanna talk about easy + impressive + delicious + different!?

cranberry cherry pistachio chocolate longYeah – these things rock!

cranberry cherry pistachio chocolate

You have the sweet and salty thing going in, you have a bit of a crunchy snap with some softness. Continue reading Dark Chocolate Cherry Cranberry Pistachio Drops

Peanut Butter Christmas Trees

Peanut Butter Christmas Trees

At Christmas Time, people are baking batch after batch after batch of cookies. All of those cookies are absolutely fantastic, but today I have an impressive change of pace from cookies! These Christmas Trees are made all from store-bought supplies (Reese’s Cups and Hershey Kisses). 

Homemade Cupcake Ornaments with a Giveaway

Homemade Cupcake Ornaments with a Giveaway

Before I got so into cooking, I was quite the crafty lady! I am now trying to find time in my life to balance my two loves (make that four loves, since I have to find time for the dogs and hubby in there too). 

Oreo Cheesecake Cookies

Oreo Cheesecake Cookies

These cookies are now being referred to in our house as “Rich’s New Favorite Cookie”

oreo cheesecake cookies long shot for food blog cookie exchangeYou know that they are good if they have replaced Chocolate Chip Cookies as top on his list. These cookies have a bit of the best of everything… Chocolate Chips and Cheesecake and Oreos – there really is not any way that you can go wrong with these cookies, everyone who has tried these cookies so far this season has had nothing but positive happy things to say about these cookies!

 Oreo Cheesecake Cookies food blog cookie exchange  1a

 oreo cheesecake holiday cookies food blog cookie exchange

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Food Blog Cookie Exchange! Continue reading Oreo Cheesecake Cookies