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Apple Pie Soup

Apple Pie Soup

Apple Pie – The classic pie that everything seems to be compared to… “As American as Apple Pie” My Parents make some of the best Apple Pie ever. Apple Pie used to be a very seasonal (read: Thanksgiving) thing when I was growing up. Within 

Hunger Games Foods – Catching Fire Premiere

Hunger Games Foods – Catching Fire Premiere

The Hunger Games are FILLED with food (seriously, with a name like HUNGER Games, how could they not be). Hunger Games & Catching Fire…

Leftover Mashed Potato Crusted Quiche

Leftover Mashed Potato Crusted Quiche

Leftover Mashed Potatoes – is it an Oxymoron, or do you have tons of mashed potato leftovers after a family meal? This Thanksgiving (or whenever) when you have leftover Mashers, turn them into a ready-to-go breakfast for the next morning!

 potato crust quiche

I am a big fan of Quiches, Frittatas, breakfast casseroles, and all sorts of delicious, but hands off, breakfast treats. My Sister-in-Law makes some of the best breakfast quiches around, and she always just uses what is on hand. Her eggs are always super fluffly and light and everything is filled with such awesome flavors. I have a feeling that after she hosts Thanksgiving this year, this Quiche might make an appearance before we gear up for some mid-day Black Friday Shopping!


mashed potato veggie quiche

Like any good breakfast casserole, Continue reading Leftover Mashed Potato Crusted Quiche

Fall Sangria

Fall Sangria

*21 & Up Beyond this point ONLY Sangria is one of the most delicious, adaptable, and easy Cocktails that is out there. Ok – just opening a bottle of wine might be even easier, but it is not filled with as many delicious flavors! When 

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies *Gluten Free

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies *Gluten Free

Cookies & Cookies & More Cookies! Did you know that we are now entering Cookie Season? Cookies are perfect to eat and enjoy any time of the year, but as we enter Holiday Season it seems that it is “Cookies, Cookies, Everywhere”! I have a 

Mushroom and Cauliflower Casserole

Mushroom and Cauliflower Casserole

During the cooler months when we are craving rich delicious casseroles, our wardrobes often suffer. Eating rich and delicious foods shouldn’t always mean that you need to fill your diet with tons of fat and calories which make you need to buy new clothes!

 hearty filling cauliflower & mushroom casserole

Very often, we decide to do some veggie-heavy-eating around here. Normally we spend much of our summers eating tons of fresh fruits & veggies. Because of a little thing called Getting Married we didn’t join a Co-Op this year. We really missed all of the fresh vegetables which were part of those weekly pick-ups! By no means could we Continue reading Mushroom and Cauliflower Casserole