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Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

Cupcakes bring a smile to everyone’s face. These Cupcakes could not be much easier – you start with a delicious cake mix, add some fall flavors, and you have cupcakes sure to make even the most hesitant fall-lover smile! People who are super-dedicated DIY cooks 

Ground Beef au Gratin Casserole

Ground Beef au Gratin Casserole

We need to eat. There are some days that we have hours to stir and blend and create in order to produce an award winning meal. Other days, we want dinner to be quick and easy. Just because we are eating without hours of work, 

Chocolate Acorns

Chocolate Acorns

Sometimes the simplest of ingredients made the most fun and memorable treats.

nilla & chocolate acorns

This fall you are going to have people over and/or going to need to bring something to a friend/family members houses (hello: Pumpkin Carving, Trick-or-Treat, Thanksgiving)! Why not throw together a big bowl of acorns to decorate your table scape and thrill your taste buds? Chocolate & Nilla Wafers Continue reading Chocolate Acorns

Healthier Vegetable Alfredo Lasagna

Healthier Vegetable Alfredo Lasagna

Have you made Alfredo Sauce from Cauliflower yet!? Well, don’t feel so bad if you haven’t, because up until finding this recipe, neither had I! This Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce may just be one of the most delicious healthy Alfredo sauces that you can make! Lasagna  

Caramel Apple Shake

Caramel Apple Shake

October happens to be not only National Apple Month, but also National Caramel Month! As happy as people seem to get when it starts to get warm and they can finally hit the beach – people seem to get even more happy when the Crisp 

Gluten Free & Vegan Tofu Taco

Gluten Free & Vegan Tofu Taco

Taco Night does NOT have to be Unhealthy Night! If you add tons of sour cream and cheese and crunchy shells it will taste delicious for sure, but it will no longer be a healthy food. On the other hand, you can load up with fresh veggies on your taco served in a Romaine Lettuce Shell and you have a healthy taco.

healthy Vegetarian Tofu Taco

You can pick and choose parts of these tacos to make them your own – but Continue reading Gluten Free & Vegan Tofu Taco