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Peach Cobbler Pancake Bake

Peach Cobbler Pancake Bake

  Pancakes are a fantastic, amazing, delicious, yummy breakfast, but they involve a bit of hands-on time and attention to make them perfect and avoid burning. I figured that there had to be an easier way to get the delicious flavor of a pancake without 

Jimmy’s Wood Burning Brick Oven Pizza, Stroudsburg PA

Jimmy’s Wood Burning Brick Oven Pizza, Stroudsburg PA

We hardly ever eat out… Because I love to cook so much, it often feels like more work to put on shoes and get in the car and drive to a restaurant. It is so much easier to just stay in my comfy clothes and 

Cucumber Salsa

Cucumber Salsa

FRESH Food is the Best!

I don’t think that there is any argument to that. If you had fresh strawberries being put in a blind taste test against thawed strawberries from the freezer, I am sure the fresh ones would win. Or if you had a fresh sandwich you whipped up and compared it to a store-made & pre-wrapped sandwich, you would probably pick the fresh one! Fresh food gets even better when it is picked right from the garden!

dipping cucumber salsa

We have just returned from our Honeymoon and I am enjoying getting back into the swing of life and cooking again! After raiding our (and our vacationing neighbor’s) garden, I found we had a nice pile of cucumbers and a few tomatoes, along with a jalapeno or two. While we are still waiting for Continue reading Cucumber Salsa

Fluffernutter Cake

Fluffernutter Cake

Rich thinks that Peanut Butter is one of my “Overused” Ingredients in the kitchen. I personally think he is crazy though – peanut butter is magic (I REALLY hope that we don’t have kids with a peanut allergy one day)!! Peanut Butter is a magic 

Natural Homemade Bug Spray

Natural Homemade Bug Spray

One of my least favorite things about Summer is the Bugs! UPDATE, 2018… I’ve been making this (or variations of this) Bug Spray for quite a few summers now & keep experimenting to find the best mixture – which I think I have found a 

Custom Wooden Hangers

Custom Wooden Hangers

I did a LOT of DIY for my July 20, 2013 Wedding. There were a few projects that I got help from my bridesmaids and friends (like my placecards to go on my Homemade Olive Oils). There were (many) other things that my *now* husband helped me with for the wedding. These Hangers for my Bridesmaids and Myself were one of those!

bridesmaids custom wire hangers

Custom hangers are all over the internet (hello Etsy – I love you), but I knew that I had enough craft-ability to be able to make these myself! As Wedding Photographers ourselves, I LOVE when the Bride’s Dress is on a cool hanger, so I knew that I needed one of these. Once I got to figuring it out though, I realized it would be awesome to make a hanger for each one of my ladies (hey, we all need to spoil a special piece of clothing in our closet). Since these were a gift for my girls, I could not ask their help – but my husband is very handy and was the perfect partner in crime to help me make these!

mrs. custom wire and wooden hanger

With just a bit of determination and some research, these hangers were really easy to make! The hardest part Continue reading Custom Wooden Hangers