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Tomato Mushroom Blue Cheese Crostini

Tomato Mushroom Blue Cheese Crostini

I am sure that you are probably always on the lookout for fresh and easy and delicious appetizers. I recently had a bunch of fresh ingredients in the fridge which were nearing the end of their life. Making yummy dishes to start a meal is 

Green Breakfast Smoothie

Green Breakfast Smoothie

Mornings are Busy ~ Life is Busy ~ Breakfast is Important Skipping Breakfast is a really bad choice! If you have an extra 5 minutes in the morning, you can whip up a healthy breakfast smoothie every morning (which is as simple as your favorite 

Salmon Cakes with Green Beans and Dill Mustard *Saucy Mama*

Salmon Cakes with Green Beans and Dill Mustard *Saucy Mama*

Saucy Mama Salmon Cakes with Green Beans

You may remember that I recently entered Saucy Mama’s Mustard Competition. I have some good news… they liked my Mini Bacon Mustard Quiche Appetizers and I made it onto Round 2… the Entree Round

*yay* 🙂

Saucy Mama Dill Salmon Cake with Beans

The Secret Ingredient we were given for the entree round was BEANS. My immediate thought was “Franks & Beans with Mustard” but I figured that was too predictable – so I started thinking some more! When we first received our mustards from Saucy Mama to use in this competition I said that the Dill Mustard would go great with Salmon. So I started thinking more about how I could pair Salmon and Beans together. At that point, I realized that *duh* canned beans are only one kind of beans – you also have the green type which grow in the garden. Crab Cakes & Green Beans are awesome, so why not make Salmon Cakes and Green Beans!

… are you following my thought pattern here?

Salmon Cake with Dill Mustard Beans and sauce

Well, these Salmon Cakes are SO easy to throw together and have so much flavor that it was a match made in heaven! Continue reading Salmon Cakes with Green Beans and Dill Mustard *Saucy Mama*

DIY Wedding Centerpieces

DIY Wedding Centerpieces

We are a month away from our wedding! Over a year ago, my fabulous fiance proposed. His proposal took place after lots of hints from everyone, and most importantly after I made “Engagement Cake“. I could not have asked for a more perfect proposal and 

Strawberry Banana “Ice Cream”

Strawberry Banana “Ice Cream”

Have you made Mock Ice Cream from Bananas yet? If you haven’t, then YOU ARE MISSING OUT! I am telling you – this is magical! Frozen bananas whip up in the food processor to make a dairy-free, delicious, & healthy “Ice Cream” treat! Happy Healthy 

Keeping Fresh Strawberries Fresh

Keeping Fresh Strawberries Fresh

When Strawberries are Ripe and Fresh and Delicious (and affordable) I just cannot resist them!

Strawberris from Picking Drying

This week I went Strawberry Picking and picked almost 7 pounds of berries. When you make lots of yummy things (like Strawberry Yogurt Pops/Pudding Pops, CakesSalsa, & Jam) AND eat them right out of the bowl, they don’t last too long since you gobble them up so quickly. But you need to make sure that they stay fresh so they are as good on Day 5 as they were on Day 1 (if they last that long)! Fresh-Picked Local berries have a much shorter refrigerator life then store-bought berries which were probably picked before their peak-ripeness and ripened during shipping.

By rinsing your berries in this super-easy rinse, you will lengthen the life of all your berries. One easy step to not only clean your fruit but also to keep it fresh – AWESOME!


Step 1: Pick/Buy fresh delicious Strawberries
Step 1: Pick/Buy fresh delicious Strawberries

Continue reading Keeping Fresh Strawberries Fresh