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Roasted Eggplant & Mushroom Pasta

Roasted Eggplant & Mushroom Pasta

If I could bottle a smell – it would be the amazing smell of roasted vegetables wafting from the oven (you know, when you are roasting vegetables mixed with garlic & olive oil)! When there are yummy delicious vegetables on sale (especially eggplants and mushrooms) 

Celery & Peanut Butter

Celery & Peanut Butter

March is National Celery Month. Celery is a vegetable with many health benifits & myths surrounding it. There is a TON of Vitamin K in Celery, it will hold many of its nutritional values when cooked, it helps with your digestive tract, and supports cardiovascular health. 

Reuben Soup

Reuben Soup

After St. Patrick’s Day there is a chance you will have some left-over Corned Beef. If you do not have any left-over corned beef, there is a chance that your market still has it on sale this week – so you can always whip up another delicious roast to be able to enjoy the leftovers!

Leftover Corned Beef  Reuben Soup

Leftover Corned Beef is amazing when made into a Reuben (some rye bread, spicy mustard, corned beef, sauerkraut, & some swiss cheese and you have an amazing afternoon)! If you are in need of some soup instead of a sandwich then you can turn those same flavors into a delicious left-over Corned Beef Reuben Soup. Or heck – if you are feeling really hungry, you can go crazy and double-dip your flavors and serve this Reuben Soup along side of a delicious Reuben Melt Sandwich!!

BOWL of Reuben Soup

Step one of this is to make your favorite Corned Beef (I have two amazing versions on my website, Wet-Rubbed Dijon Crock Pot Corned Beef AND Crock-Pot Boiled then Glazed & Baked Corned Beef). After you fully enjoy that meal Continue reading Reuben Soup

Shamrock Shake *Healthy Version

Shamrock Shake *Healthy Version

This time of year people get crazy for all things green & McDonald’s has been capitalizing on that for years with their “Limited Time Only” Shamrock Shake. The main problem with the Shamrock Shake (and most things from the Double Arches to be honest) is 

Easy & Delicious Corned Beef (crock pot then bake)

Easy & Delicious Corned Beef (crock pot then bake)

Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! The week leading up to St. Patrick’s Day features Corned Beef, Potatoes, & Cabbage on fantastic sales at your local Grocery Store. It would be crazy to not take advantage of the great sale prices that you can 

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

It is still winter here in North-East Pennsylvania & a good hearty soup will help to warm you up any day. This soup is filling and delicious, while still being pretty healthy. Take any rainy or cold or depressing day that you might have which needs some brightening. Spend a little bit of time on said day making this soup… I promise that it will make you feel better and help to melt away the blues of the day!

 warming loaded baked potato soup

I made this soup after a recent storm and we just could not wait to eat it because it made the house smell so delicious. If you enjoy loaded baked potatoes (or those baked potato fries smothered in fatty goodness) then you will love everything about this soup. Since this soup uses milk instead of heavy cream, you can love this soup one night and then still love your jeans the next night: win-win!

I hope that you and your family enjoy this soup as much as we enjoyed it! Continue reading Loaded Baked Potato Soup