If I could bottle a smell – it would be the amazing smell of roasted vegetables wafting from the oven (you know, when you are roasting vegetables mixed with garlic & olive oil)!

When there are yummy delicious vegetables on sale (especially eggplants and mushrooms) I just can’t resist. When you are short on time but big on appetite, you can just cut up some of those veggies roast or saute them and you have an amazing dinner just moments away. In addition to just simply roasting (with some garlic and good cheese of course) the vegetables for this dish, I also threw a pot of water onto the stove to boil & made some pasta.

The smells that will waft from your kitchen during the quick roasting process of making this dish will make your family appear at the kitchen table with little to no encouragement. Continue reading Roasted Eggplant & Mushroom Pasta