Tag: breakfast



…totally amazing and worth the time & effort! There are many kinds of bagels. The quality of bagels ranges from Awesome NYC Bagels down to pre-packaged frozen bread circles being passed off as bagels. These bagels which I am sharing with you today rank up 

Bacon & Egg in Toast Cups

Bacon & Egg in Toast Cups

A few weeks ago, I made “the best breakfast casserole ever” so decided that I should do my best to see if I could top the amazingness of that breakfast in a totally different fashion! These individual breakfast cups just may change the way that 

Apple & Zucchini Frittata

Apple & Zucchini Frittata

Another Weekend – Another Delicious Breakfast!If you don’t ever take the time on weekends to make a delicious breakfast, I am sorry (and sorry for your family)! Now I am not saying that every day on every weekend we whip up some delicious breakfast, but I usually try to make at least one yummy breakfast (or brunch) over the weekend! Continue reading Apple & Zucchini Frittata

Cheddar Apple Sausage Bisquick Breakfast Bake

Cheddar Apple Sausage Bisquick Breakfast Bake

There is just something about a delicious & hearty breakfast on a Crisp Fall Morning that just makes you ready for the day. Pair that up with a delicious cup of (Pumpkin Spice) Coffee and maybe even some Apple Butter on top for good measure 

Crock Pot Breakfast Casserole

Crock Pot Breakfast Casserole

Looking for a Awesome, Warm, Fresh Breakfast Casserole with ZERO work in the morning? Well… it’s here! Throw everything in the crock pot before you go to bed, turn the crock pot on low and then breakfast is perfect in the morning. Feel free to 

Pumpkin Bread French Toast

Pumpkin Bread French Toast

There are so many variations of Pumpkin Bread. And although it is perfect as it is, or maybe toasted with some cream cheese or butter on it – I knew that I could take it up to the next level!

Our good friends Roger & Jen gave us a loaf of Roger’s awesome Pumpkin Bread. I figured that if I took my basic french toast method and used it on this bread it would be amazing- and we were not disappointed!

Although all of your Thanksgiving Pumpkin Bread is probably gone for now – you can either try to find a loaf in the back of the freezer or bring back the awesome flavors of pumpkin and whip up a loaf for Christmas (or anytime for that matter, I love pumpkin!)

Pumpkin Bread French Toast

(figure at least 2 slices of bread per person and adapt the recipe from there)

  • 2 slices of your favorite Pumpkin Bread
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 pat of butter for your pan
  • Apple Butter & real Maple Syrup (& cinnamon) for topping

Slice your Pumpkin Bread. Mix up your egg(s) and milk. Allow your slices of bread to soak for at least 30 seconds on each side. While your bread is soaking, pre-heat a flat skillet with some butter. Over medium-high heat cook your French Toast – about 3 minutes per side (check at 3 minutes and see how its going – you want it browned but not burned, there is a fine line).

Once your Pumpkin Bread French Toast is cooked you want to top it with some Maple Syrup and Apple Butter and maybe even a sprinkle of Cinnamon!Ā  šŸ™‚

And I leave you with this, Today’s Question of the Day… do you have a favorite way to use up a certain kind of leftover bread or do you ever make/buy a certain kind of bread just to turn it into something else?