“The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through his Stomach”

The man that I love just happens to also love Cookie Dough. When I came across Something Shiny’s Cookie Dough Cake, I knew that I had no other choice but to make this for him. In the past I have surprised Rich with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes, also nice batches of Raw (with egg) Cookie Dough to make him smile, and even Cookie Dough Truffles for Holidays! This cake I knew would be a big hit – even if it meant many hours of preparation going into it (do not let the long list scare you off – it is worth every second you will spend working on it)!

Rich knew that he was getting some sort of baked goodie for Valentines Day this year, but I do not think that he expected this. We started this evening out with some wine and cheese and meats that I had picked up to hold him over until I could finish making the cake and then make dinner, and the evening of food was one that we totally enjoyed – especially with this cake ending the whole night. People may tell you that you need to spend lots of money to make people happy but I know that the best gifts come from the heart (and go to the stomach?).
Before reading any further please promise me that you will not worry about your diet for just a little bit – happiness is what you make it 🙂 Continue reading Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cake