I found the Jelly Shot Kitchen & Food Librarian weeks ago and vowed that I wanted to figure out some fun ways to make “grown-up jello”. Now, we have all had Jell-o shots (unless you are one of my students OR friends under 21 who …
Rich LOVES Cookie Dough (reminder here) so when I saw this recipe I knew that I needed to make it for his family’s Christmas Celebration! The best part about these truffles is that they are egg-free so you CAN eat your raw cookie dough (although …
The holidays are here (in case you didn’t know) and that means that although today was Christmas – you will probably be spending the next few days entertaining and visiting lots of friends and family. You never want to show up empty handed (Miss Manners 101 for today), so start off by whipping up a dip (check out my Spinach Dip or make your own variations of it, or make a hummus – it super easy, I make them all the time). If you have a sweet-tooth, then why not try these Candied Orange Peels (stop right now and go dig those orange peels out of the compost pile & wash them…. they will be fine!)
I love these things & always figured they were WAY harder to do than this. [I adapted this recipe from Handle the Heat (bookmarked this weeks and months ago – I will have to chocolate dip next time) and also from All our Fingers in the Pie – thanks guys!] Start off with your oranges & peel them (wow – you got this, see!) You probably want to have at least 3 oranges peels (I think thats what I used when I made this – any by the way… go ahead and use lemons or grapefruit too!) Cut as much of that white pith stuff off (be careful, blood and finger parts do not go well in this dish) then throw them in a pot with water to cover and a bit of salt. Boil for 15 minutes, drain. Fill pot back up with clean water & boil for another 15 minutes or so and REPEAT the water part again. Finally rinse them off and combine a 50-50 mixture of water/sugar (I used 1 cup and cup sugar) and boil for about an hour.
almost there...
CAREFUL now because your candied orange peels are almost done and really really hot (this is why I need tongs – mental note for next time I go to BB&B). Take the peels and place them on a drying rack (or two, I found out if they overlap than they stick together) – they might drip a little as they dry, so put something under them or be prepared to wash your counters! The next day you are going to put them (a dozen or so at a time) in a baggie (re-use those ones from the fruit section in the market) with sugar. Shake (just like the shake & bake commercials – you know what to do here, come on: even the little ones can say “I helped” when you get to this point) and you are DONE.
Put these candied peels on top of chocolate desserts, or in baggies on tops of presents, or in cute little dished for people to snack on, or – yeah – you get the idea! Cherish the sweetness of these treats as your cherish the sweetness of family…
YUM – I love Chocolate (although I hate headaches – one of which I had a pretty major one while everyone else was enjoying these at Aunt Pat & Uncle Mikes during our annual tree decorating this year)! Every year we bring dessert to Tree …