There are so many really good foods which you can buy pre-made at the store. Many of those foods which you can buy pre-made are so gosh-darn expensive though – especially when you compare it to the cost (and ease) of making the same thing at home!

Hummus is one of those type foods… There are some great per-packaged big-name Hummus brands out there. They taste pretty good as well (heck, they are what got me hooked on hummus years ago). When I moved out on my own and started cooking more, I realized how easy hummus was to make at home. I would spend at least $2.50 on a package of pre-made Hummus at the store. When I stock up on ingredients on sale (always) and buy the the things needed to make my own, I can make the same about for around $1. That is about a 60% savings – which will really add up, especially since you will eat more of it once you find out how delicious and easy it is, since we already know hummus is a great healthy snack!!

For me, Hummus is the perfect thing to keep in the fridge. Continue reading Hummus