You guys – seriously… keep reading! I know you might be thinking “UGH; Brussels Sprouts” – but I urge you to try these if you aren’t already a fan of these delicious mini-cabbage delicious things. If you already know how awesome these guys are, then …
FRESH Food is the Best! I don’t think that there is any argument to that. If you had fresh strawberries being put in a blind taste test against thawed strawberries from the freezer, I am sure the fresh ones would win. Or if you had …
We like things spicy around here. So last year when Rich decided that he wanted to grow habaneros, I supported him. Well, who knew that two little plants would produce so many peppers. I think that all year we used about 25 habaneros (and that is including recipes which used lots of them, like hot sauce, infusing vodka, and pepper flakes). I don’t know how people stand spicier peppers. So, long story short: we basically swore off super spicy peppers and decided to stick with the perfect pepper instead: Jalapenos.
A Jalapeno Pepper is just spicy enough. You get plenty of kick, but not too bad that you will burn your nose just chopping them or ruin a dinner by adding it to dinner! We still have more Jalapenos than we really can use without adding them to everything I cook (so the friends who I am sharing with aren’t complaining)!
One of the most popular jalapeno dishes around here has been Jalapeno Poppers. Now these are not your unhealthy deep-fried poppers, no – these are pretty healthy (low fat cream cheese & cheese, if you want to think “healthy” it is actually a well balanced snack: you have your dairy and your vegetable)! Even my mom and Rich’s mom, who both do not like super-spicy foods, enjoyed these. As Rich said “you need to add the heat [from baking them] to take away the heat [spicy-ness]”.
When you are “Entertaining Elegantly” – it does not need to be stuffy or stuck-up or difficult! Throwing your food “on a stick” is a great way to have beautiful presentation, easy to grab goodies, that everyone will love! Make skewered antipastos for your next …
When people ask you what your favorite food is, what answer do you give them? For me I have to always say that it is a tie between Chips & Salsa and Dark Chocolate (I know, its a strange “combination” – but as long as …
“Rich – I made you a snack – it’s in the fridge next to the milk…” I think that if I said that phrase more often we might be engaged (just kidding honey, kinda)
But in all seriousness – Rich LOVES cookie dough, even though he tells people all the time (as he is shoveling mouthfuls of cookie dough) how consuming raw eggs is bad for you. I figured I would show appreciation for all his hard work & commuting & such and treat him to a batch of ‘raw’ cookie dough to help deal with the tough semester he is having.
I didn’t want to go fully “vegan/healthy/raw” on him just yet though. I am sure that he will enjoy those ‘healthier options’ when I do try them [soon], but I am trying to loose weight and didn’t want to be tempted by having something sitting around that I could pretend was healthy. This Egg-Free Cookie Dough I (quite obviously) know is not “healthy” even if they are egg free and won’t give us salmonella!
packed in plastic for your snacking pleasure
Raw Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
adapted from The Cupcake Project (using a whole stick of butter – no need to mess around with measuring a stick & a half… going for easy here)
1 stick butter, melted
1/3 cup white sugar
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 2/3 flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 Tablespoons Milk
Mix up all ingredients in a bowl (fork, spoon, spatula, whatever) & add in your mix-ins (e.g. 1/2 cup chocolate chips). DONE – we like chilled chocolate chip cookie dough, so this is now stored in a Tupperware in the fridge ready for danger.
And I leave you with this, today’s Question of the Day… What is your favorite Guilty Pleasure (food related or not)!? [mine is chocolate]