There’s always room for Jello (Pudding Pops)!
Growing up my mom always used her Tupperware Ice Pop Molds to make me fresh Ice-Pops all summer long! When I moved into my own house, mom figured she would not be making many more pops (until at least she had grand kids to make them for) so she gave me her molds, yay! One of my favorite (and easiest) ice pops always were Pudding Pops (which I also found out were also Rich’s favorite type when he was growing up – I love being able to make my PA Wedding Photographer Fiance happy).

Basically all that needs to get done for the Perfect Pudding Pops is to start out by making your favorite Pudding (instant or homemade or cooked). Then you just need to pour that pudding into your pop mold of choice (store-bought or ice cube trays, or silicone molds, or paper cups), and then freeze them up for a few hours.
After Strawberry Picking last week I knew that some Chocolate Covered Strawberry flavored Ice Pops would be amazing. So taking my love of Pudding Pops and then just adding some fresh Strawberries to the mix equaled these delicious Chocolate Covered Strawberry Pudding Pops!

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