One of my least favorite things about Summer is the Bugs!
UPDATE, 2018… I’ve been making this (or variations of this) Bug Spray for quite a few summers now & keep experimenting to find the best mixture – which I think I have found a combination of Oils that not only works for BUGS, but also works to keep the TICKS away, & smells good!
When I get bit (which seems to happen more often to me than most of the other people around me) I swell up! Within five minutes of getting bit, I develop a welt, usually at least the size of a dime! Luckily the welt goes down within 12 hours or so, and then it is just a normal bug bite.

Because of how much I get bitten AND swell up, I go through a lot of bug spray. The smell of bug spray is not the best thing around, and it is filled with all sorts of chemicals. There are lots of natural bug repellents Continue reading Natural Homemade Bug Spray