You eat healthy, you exercise, but you have a few pounds that you just can’t seem to get rid of. No matter how hard you work (or don’t work) those last few pounds (or those first few pounds to kick-start a healthier you) just won’t let themselves get evicted! …Enter the Cabbage Soup Diet!

I remember my parents going on this when I was in Middle School and thinking it was totally gross (I also thought cooked vegetables were totally gross at that point in my life though too). I now really enjoy the taste of the Cabbage Soup – often even going as far as making it when I am NOT following the diet plan! So, while this soup can help you in your dieting & eating healthy plan – you should also make it just as a yummy & healthy soup to enjoy!
The one problem with the Cabbage Soup Diet, is who really wants to eat SOUP in the middle of the SUMMER!? Continue reading Gazpacho Cabbage Soup