Emergencies Happen…
That is why we have Insurance and have Emergency Contacts and kits in our cars and Wills and all of that stuff. Although any disaster or emergency is really bad – one of the last times you want to have an emergency is on your wedding day! In order to be prepared you need to have a few things!
Why not make a “Wedding Survival Kit” for your Wedding!?

I made some Day-Of-Survival-Kits for my Bridesmaids. The large bag is made from a Placemat (I’ll do a full tutorial on those another day – I used to make these all the time, they are so easy). Then inside that is a little bag organizer made from a Pot Holder!! These little clutches have zip-top bags inside and are perfect for all those little things you keep in your big purse (or diaper bag) that you always seem to loose – perfect for packing for a trip too!! In addition to me making these great kits, my Maid of Honor made me an AWESOME Day-of-Kit in a Mason Jar which she gave me at my Bridal Shower!

All of these kits can be made from supplies Continue reading Bridesmaid & Bride Emergency Kit